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Brewery Combines Art With Their Craft

Spectrum News 1

With more than 340 breweries and brew pubs in North Carolina, businesses are looking for ways to set themselves apart.

Some of them, such as Resident Culture Brewing Company, are matching art to their craft.

“We try to be pretty creative with the beers that we brew and wanted that to be reflected in the brand and the artwork that we have on the outside of the cans,” Resident Culture Co-owner and Head Brewer Chris Tropeano says.

Maryssa Pickett is the artist behind the brewery’s unique designs.

“It is cool to see your work on a finished product that is out there for a consumer to buy,” Pickett says.

Pickett moved to North Carolina in 2017 for the job at Resident Culture and since then she has been creating labels ranging from fun and lighthearted to more sensitive and somber.